
The Great Learners Trust believe that children's welfare is always of paramount concern, and that all children have a right to be safe. We listen to what our children tell us and take safeguarding extremely seriously. We believe that safeguarding is more than just policies; we create a safeguarding culture within our schools that cultivates safety, nurture and care. 

The GLT recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all its children by protecting them from emotional, sexual or physical harm and from neglect or bullying. Every adult plays their part in safeguarding and each school works hard to build strong relationships with its families to better understand every child's needs. We ensure all staff are highly trained in child protection and safeguarding procedures and that they know where to go, should they require some information, help and guidance. 

As part of our safeguarding culture, safeguarding is built into our schools' curriculums and addresses issues that affect our children through PSHE lessons, including how to keep safe online. 

The Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Victoria Willmot. If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding our schools, please contact her directly on

The Great Learners Trust supports each school in the following ways: 

  • Fully adopting the Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance and the Early Years Framework; 
  • Undertaking safeguarding reviews on an annual basis and ensuring that a safeguarding culture is present at all times; 
  •  Ensuring each school adheres to the Great Learners Trust Child Protection Policy and other safeguarding procedures that details school specific advice and Designated Safeguarding Lead details; 
  • Ensuring each school has a governor on its Local Governing Body with special responsibility for safeguarding; 
  • Having a Trustee with special responsibility for safeguarding, who liaises with Great Learners Trust Safeguarding link governors; 
  • All staff receive regular training on child protection procedures, including Prevent, FGM and Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance. 
  • Having a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for the Trust who oversees safeguarding within our schools. 

We are always hear to listen. 

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child at any of our schools, please contact the relevant Designated Safeguarding Officer for the appropriate school. Details can be found on each school website. 

If you are concerned about an adult working or volunteering in any of our schools, contact the Headteacher, or if it is a concern about the Headteacher, then the next most senior member of staff must be informed and the Chair of Governors. 

Safer Recruitment 

All applicants for employment at Great Learners Trust will be fully vetted in accordance with DfE Guidelines Safeguarding Children: Safer Recruitment and Selection in Education Settings.